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We occasionally receive calls from parents of first time campers wanting to know what exactly a day at Redwood Adventure Camp looks like.

Campers sleep in an assigned campsite with their group. Each campsite has a firepit where groups are able to enjoy an evening campfire. Hoses are within close proximity, so that fires can be completely extinguished each night. Campsites are furnished with rustic luggage racks made from local wood when possible. Campers store all of their personal belongings on the luggage racks. Groups sleep on the ground (on a ground tarp), under the stars.

All groups will go on an overnight hike away from Central Camp. The distance of the hike and the nights out of Central Camp varies by age and program. Explorer campers experience a one or two night overnight.

The following is an example of our daily schedule for campers who are in central camp, and some descriptions of the typical activities your campers may participate in.

Campers decide as a group which activities they will be participating in.  “Activity Periods” include all of the following:

 Crafts  Swimming  Mountain Hiking
 Horseback Riding  River Hiking  Ropes/Challenge Course
 Camp Improvement  Archery  Overnight Backpacking
Riflery Nature Overnight Backpacking

8:00am  RISE AND SHINE!!!

8:20am  FLAG CEREMONY: One group hosts the morning festivities of raising the American Flag, singing morning songs and taking the weather stats from our in-house equipment.  Campers will also receive announcements about the days schedule of activities. Ceremony ends with the campers  finding a creative way of asking the cooks for breakfast (which is ALWAYS answered with a “yes”).

8:30am  BREAKFAST: All meals begin by groups saying or singing traditional songs of grace.  Campers enjoy a hot, nutritious meal prepared by our skilled kitchen staff. Breakfast and Dinner both end with groups finding imaginative and fun ways to thank the cooks for their hard work on a meal well done. This might be a skit, song, or other positive ways to show appreciation.

9:00am  MORNING PRAYER: Groups of campers “host” the prayer session.  The campers determine a theme for the session and find Bible readings or inspirational literature and songs that accompany the theme. Examples of themes may be: Sharing your gifts, helping others or how we treat other.  The session always includes a group discussion and end in prayer.



12:00pm LUNCH

12:30pm REST PERIOD: Campers go back to their campsites with supervision for an hour break.  This is a great time to write letters, play cards…or simply rest!


3:00PM SNOW CONES!!! This is one of the most talked about traditions at Redwood Adventure Camp.  Campers have the luxury of enjoying a nice, cool snow cone every afternoon.



5:45pm DINNER

6:45pm FLAG CEREMONY: One group hosts the closing of the day by lowering the American Flag. Campers receive email/mail call just before the flag ceremony.  They then get the exciting news of what games they will be playing for evening activity.

7:00pm  EVENING ACTIVITY: This is a chance for campers to mingle with one another as they play camp wide games of capture the flag, soccer, water sports and more.

10:00pm LIGHTS OUT: Campers return to their campsites to bed down for the evening.  Their counselor leads them in a group discussion about how they achieved their “challenge” of the day, give and receive affirmations and close the day with prayer.

Redwood Adventure Camp follows a “rule of three” which requires staff to not be in a one-on-one situation with campers. When there are situations that require one-on-one interaction (for instance some medical situations), staff and camper must be in auditory or visual range of others. 

All forms can be found in the parent portal under “Forms and Documents” here.  Please pay close attention to the requirements for each form listed here.

All forms must be completed and submitted by June 28th, prior to our camping season.

Please contact our office if you have any questions about forms.  Immunization Records and completed Health Exam Forms can be uploaded to your registration portal or mailed to: Redwood Adventure Camp, P.O. Box 385, Burson, CA 95225 | office@redwoodadventure.org.

Youth Camp & Family Camp Program Forms

Medical Form (required for all): Must be completed through our registration portal by parent/guardian or Family Camp adult and updated each year of participation.

Additional Information, Permissions and Agreements (required for all):  Must be completed through our registration portal by parent/guardian or Family Camp adult and updated each year of participation.

Information for the Counselor: Must be completed by the parent/guardian through our registration portal for campers participating in all core and challenge programs as well as campers in the advanced and Adventure/Survival programs who are new to Redwood Adventure Camp.

Immunization Record/Health Exam (required): This form should be downloaded and completed by your family physician. It is required for all new campers and must be updated for any camper participating for the first time in the Advanced or Adventure/Survival programs, and all Graduate program participants. It is required for all CIT or new staff members. Staff members and Family Camp participants are required to complete physicals every four years. If there has been a major change in a camper’s health from the previous year, failing to recognize and disclose health changes could put your camper and others at risk. New medicines, surgery, illness, and changes in disease process are all reasons to ask your provider to reassess the participant’s health status and fitness to participate.

To Download a pdf copy Click Here!

For the Graduate Program packing list, Click Here!

For a separate Family Camp packing list, Click Here!

The following is a list of items that are recommended for packing.

When preparing your camper for their departure, please keep in mind that they will be sleeping and playing in the out of doors.  Most campers find that packing in a duffle bag style bag works well. Please do not hesitate to contact our office should you have any questions regarding what your camper should bring with them. Electronic equipment of any kind is prohibited at camp with the exception of a camera.  Cell phones do not work at Camp. A small inexpensive camera is recommended due to the rugged nature of the terrain and the proximity of water. Redwood Adventure Camp is not responsible for any loss or damage to personal equipment brought to camp.  Any equipment brought to camp besides a camera will be confiscated and returned to the camper at the end of the week.

The use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs is strictly forbidden to campers and staff alike.  The parent of a camper who brings drugs to camp will be called to pick up their child immediately, and no refund will be issued.

 What to pack:
• long pants
• shorts
• short- & long-sleeved shirts
• plenty of socks and underwear
• warm jacket
• swim suit
• towel
• comfortable hiking shoes (please break them in before coming to Camp)
• sandals for hiking in the river (Teva-style is best, not flip-flops)
• sleeping bag
• thin (Thermarest-style) sleeping pad
• sunscreen
• mosquito repellent
• toiletries
• chapstick
• stationery & stamps
• flashlight
• water bottle
• sunglasses
• pocket knife
recommended but not required: Bible, journal, hiking backpack, playing cards/books/etc. for rest periods, rain jacket, extra flashlight batteries


What not to pack:
• CD’s
• Portable game players
• Walkman’s
• iPods
• radios
• cell phones
• watches
• candy/gum
• tents
• cots
• magazines
• food (anything brought will be shared amongst the camper’s group)
• money (there is nowhere to spend it!)
• guns

We have discontinued Waldo photos this summer however are looking for a new way to privately share photos with parents. We will send more information in the future. Thank you!

Payment Procedures

Redwood Adventure Camp utilizes an online program through CampMinder / Camp in Touch for registration and payment processing. The system is user-friendly and takes you through a step by step process.  Your information will be protected during the registration process using such things as 128-bit SSL web encryption (the same level used by many banks for online banking) as well as storing your data on secure web servers. Your registration information will never be sold or used for any other purpose than the event that you are registering for.  CampMinder has been in the business of software support for Camps for many years and your privacy and security are the highest priority at Campminder.com.

Applicants may choose to pay in full or simply pay the deposit to complete their registration.  Households with a balance due will receive regular monthly statements.  Payments toward your balance can be made through your CampMinder registration portal at any time or sent to us through Paypal (office@redwoodadventure.org) or paid by check to: Redwood Adventure Camp, PO Box 385, Burson, CA 95225.

Camp program fees must be paid in full by June 15th, 2023. If you need to set up an extended payment plan that continues beyond the end of the Camp season,  please contact our office by email  office@redwoodadventure.org (preferred) or phone 707-984-6877.


Sibling Discount
(not applicable to Family Camp)
The first camper is the oldest camper within a family and will be charged full price. Thereafter, siblings registered for camp will receive the following discount(s):

  • 20% off for Second Camper registered in Family
  • 50% off for Third or More Camper(s) in Family

Referral Discount*
Receive $50 off when you “Bring A Friend to Camp” or refer a camper/family to one of our summer camp programs. Refer enough friends and your week at camp could be free! In order to receive the referral discount of $50, the camper/family who is referred should indicate the referral source on their online application.

*These discounts will not be applied during the online registration process. Upon receiving your deposit and online registration as well as the deposit and online registration of the camper you referred, our Administrative staff will make the necessary adjustments in your account to reflect the above discounts towards your outstanding balance if applicable. You discount will be included on all future statements.

If you have questions related to discounts & billing, please email office@redwoodadventure.org or call 707-984-6877.

Financial Aid

For over 50 years Redwood Adventure Camp has provided a very unique opportunity for personal and spiritual growth, leadership development, environmental stewardship, lifelong personal connections, fun and adventure.  We have consistently held true to our belief that all children should experience this opportunity regardless of their financial circumstances. To help accomplish this goal we offer financial assistance in the form of camperships.  We also offer a wide range of financial options including partial camperships, payment plans and various combinations of the two.

To apply for financial aid, register you child(ren) in their preferred session and choose the “Financial Aid” session as well in order to complete our financial aid form. When you check out, choose the Deposit Only payment option.  All registrations, regardless of the need for financial assistance require a deposit ($100).  This deposit will be refunded to you in the event that you do not receive the amount of financial aid you require.  Applications are reviewed and financial assistance is awarded on a first come, first served basis. We will contact you when we have processed your application.

Please note, only applicants who are in good standing with Camp and do not owe a balance from previous seasons will be considered for financial aid.

Payment Plans and Partial Camperships

In the last few years it has become increasingly difficult to fund this opportunity for all campers who have a financial need to fill.  We ask that before you request a full campership, please take a moment to consider the possibility of participating in a payment plan or partial campership.

Every amount that can be funded by you, regardless of it’s size, is a campership that we can stretch farther than before, allowing us the opportunity to serve an even greater population.  As always, we thank the hundreds of donors who support our campership program and allow us to better serve our community. If you are interested in enrolling in a payment plan or receiving a partial campership, you must complete a Financial Aid Application when registering.

Payment Plans

Participating in a payment plan extends the time for you to make all outstanding payments towards your balance to December 31 following your Camp program. If you’d like to enroll in a payment plan for this summer, simply choose the Financial Aid Application when registering and choose the payment plan option when completing the form.

Please contact our office if you have further questions regarding financial aid.

Please note, only applicants who are in good standing with Camp and do not owe a balance from previous seasons will be considered for financial aid.


  • A $100 deposit is required at registration.
  • 50% of the total payment is due no later than May 15th.
  • Final payment is due no later than June 15th.

*Special payment plans can be arranged upon request

Cancellation Policy

  • If canceled by March 1st, 100% refunded.
  • If canceled after March 1st, but before May 15th – Refund minus $100 deposit
  • If canceled after May 16th but before June 15th – 50% refunded
  • No refunds after June 15th

*Cancellation Insurance is available which allows you to cancel (minus $100 deposit per kids camp camper, or $25 per family camp camper) up to 72 hours before your first camping session starts.  Insurance is 10% of the total and can be purchased within 5 days of your original registration date.

We encourage parents to keep in contact with their campers throughout the session.  You can do so in a number of ways.


Mail is checked, delivered and distributed daily during the sessions.  Campers will have time each day to write letters.  We suggest you send your camper with ample stationary and postage.

Care Packages

Many parents want to send their campers a care package while they are at Camp. If that is you, we ask that you consider sending things that campers can use while at Camp rather than food and candy. Things like playing cards, mad-libs, notes of encouragement, joke books, books of questions, make great care-packages. 

If you do send candy, please be mindful of the amount you send. We provide dessert after every lunch and every dinner as well as an evening treat every night. There is not a lack of sweets at Camp. We live in family groups and if food is sent, it will be shared.  We ask that care packages be no larger than a small size shoe box. Do not send gum. 

If you intend to send your camper a care package, we recommend that you do so in the first few days of your camper’s session. Because of our location, it often takes a while for a package to be delivered.

Our mailing address for camper mail is:
P.O. Box 237
Laytonville, CA 95454


You are welcome to email your camper at office@redwoodadventure.org.  E-mail is checked daily and your message will be printed and given to your camper.  Your child will not be able to e-mail you in return, however, campers are given time each day to write letters. Because of our remote location internet speed can be slow! Please do not send attachments or pictures with or in your e-mail. In an effort to save costly materials such as printer ink, we would also request that you limit your messages to 1 e-mail a day.  Thank you!

Tips for Preventing Homesickness

This summer, many first-time campers will get their first taste of independence at Camp. For many, it will be the first time they’ve spent longer than a few days away from their families.

There are several factors that put children at greater risk for becoming homesick. For example, children with little previous experience away from home, children who have low expectations of camp, children who feel forced to go to camp, children who are unsure whether adults will help them if they need help, children who have little practice coping with negative emotions, and children whose parents express a lot of anxiety are most likely to feel homesick.

You may be surprised to learn that some factors have nothing to do with the intensity of homesickness. These include geographic distance between home and camp and the presence of a friend from home at camp. Being away from home can be difficult, especially when you’re a kid. Experiencing homesickness is part of growing up! Still, with a little preparation, parents can help to minimize their child’s homesickness. 


Involve your child in the decision-making process for coming to camp. Being away from home, leaving family and friends behind, and entering the exciting – yet daunting – new world of camp may cause many feelings of discomfort. The more that your child owns the decision, the more comfortable they will feel. This is not to say that the decision to go to camp rests entirely on the child’s shoulders, nor does it prevent you from “selling” the idea to your child. However, when children feel that they have been sent away without consultation, they feel a lack of control and are more likely to have a negative experience at camp.

Part of involving your child in the decision to come to camp is assuring them that nothing significant will be happening at home while they are away. Remind your child that mom and dad will be working or re-organizing the garage, and that they will be bored or in child care for the summer.  If you reinforce that there will be expectations regarding waking up, doing chores, and having a routine, they realize that the excitement to be found at camp is the better alternative.

Encourage your child to pack a few items that will bring them comfort while at camp.  These items could be favorite books, blankets, pillows, family pictures, and gear. A small, simple reminder of home may help your child cope while away at camp.

Don’t make promises to your camper! The most common mistake parents make is the Pick-Up Deal. It’s normal for children to ask, “What if I feel homesick?” Tell your child that some feelings of homesickness are normal and help them practice coping before camp starts. But never ever say, “If you feel homesick, I’ll come and get you.” This conveys a message of doubt and pity that undermines children’s confidence and independence. Pick-Up Deals become mental crutches and self-fulfilling prophecies for children as soon as they arrive at camp. If, after spending practice time away from home, a child is still very anxious about overnight camp, consider waiting until next summer. 

Communicate optimism in talking about the camp experience. Even if you, as the parent, are feeling a bit anxious about your child’s ability to overcome homesickness, express a positive outlook to your child with encouraging words like, “I know that being away from home can be scary, but I also know that you’re a strong, brave kid, and you’ll be able to manage it.” Remind your child that summer camp is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and try new things, and there will be a lot of people there who can help with their worries. Do not say that you are worried or that it will be hard to be away. Let them know that feeling homesick is normal, but that you have confidence in them and feel sure they can work through it.


Trust our staff. Our sessions are busy, and campers are often too busy to be homesick. But downtime can be a challenge for the introspective camper. Whenever homesickness is detected, we get the camper up and into an activity with others, rather than thinking about their home life. We try to indulge the homesick camper until they forget why they were ever sad in the first place. Our staff training includes discussions on dealing with homesickness, emotional intelligence training, methods for preventing homesickness, and more.

Understand that feelings of homesickness are completely normal and are part of growing up. You sent your child to camp so that they may develop confidence, independence, and experience personal growth. These admirable traits don’t come without a small cost. Only through challenges, can we experience rewards – and subsequent growth. Homesickness is a transitional feeling that will ultimately stimulate your child’s growth.

Write to your child. Good ole-fashioned handwritten letters are awesome, and we encourage campers to write home often. You can choose to email your camper (no images please) or send letters through the mail. When you write, Do not remind your child what they’re missing back home. Instead, opt to make your child feel like you are the one missing out on the great experience they are having. You could tell your child how much fun it looks/sounds like they’re having and how you wish you could’ve gone Camp, too. Ask your child to tell you all about their experiences and keep the focus on them.

Following these tips will help your child to grow and to have the best Camp experience possible.  

Adapted from: 

American Camp Association: Homesickness Do’s and Don’ts for Parents Preparing for Camp

American CAmp Association: Coping with Homesickness

Camp Voyager: 10 Tips for Preventing Homesickness

Be sure to check back to confirm pick-up and drop-off times in case adjustments are made (they will be slight if any)!

All transportation provided by the Camp is by van or chartered bus. Parents are responsible for the timely arrival of the camper to pick-up locations and for being present at the appropriate time when campers are dropped off on return.

For parents who will be driving their own Campers to camp:
Campers should arrive at the Camp location at 3:00 pm on the first day of their session and will need to be picked up from the Camp location at 9:00 am on the last day.  Detailed directions to the Camp location can be found at the very bottom of our Contact page linked here.

Transportation Schedule

The following schedules are the pick-up and drop-off times for each transportation stop for all programs except Family Camp and the Adult Adventures program.


Pick-Up Dates: June 26, July 9, July 23

Drop-Off Dates: July 3, July 16, July 30


Pick-Up Dates: Girls: July 2    Boys: July 17

Drop-Off Dates: Girls: July 16    Boys: July 30


Pick-Up Dates: June 29

Drop-Off Dates: July 5

Please contact our office for details if you need to drive your camper to, or pick your camper up from camp.  Plan to arrive at the stop at least 15 minutes early. We recommend you check this schedule the day before your child is to be picked up or dropped off as times are subject to slight changes.

Please note that NO CAMPER WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE BUS IF HIS/HER PARENT/GUARDIAN IS NOT IN ATTENDANCE.  Likewise, no camper will be dropped off at a bus stop if the parent/guardian is not there to pick them up.

South Schedule

 City  Location  Pick Up  Drop Off
Novato/San Rafael Smith Ranch Park & Ride

2 Smith Ranch Rd., San Rafael

11:10am 12:50 p.m.
Petaluma Petaluma
– Petaluma Library/Fairgrounds
Parking Lot
12:00 p.m. 12:10 p.m.
Santa Rosa Tom Schopflin Fields parking lot
– 4351 Old Redwood Hwy,
Santa Rosa
12:45 p.m. 11:25 a.m.
 Ukiah – Oak Manor Park
500 Oak Manor Dr
 2:00 p.m.  10:15 a.m.




San Rafael – Smith Ranch Rd Park & Ride (2 Smith Ranch Rd)

South Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 459 for Lucas Valley Rd/Smith Ranch Rd
  2. Take a right onto Lucas Valley Rd and continue under the freeway (Lucas Valley Rd changes to Smith Ranch Rd)
  3. After going under the freeway, continue past the merge from northbound 101 and turn right
  4. Take another right and the Park & Ride will be on your left

North Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 456 to merge onto Smith Ranch Rd
  2. Merge onto Smith Ranch Rd
  3. Take a right
  4. Take another right and the Park & Ride will be on your left

Petaluma – Library/Fairgrounds Parking Lot

South Bound on 101:

  1. Exit @ East Washington St
  2. Right onto East Washington St

Library/Fairground Parking Lot is on left hand side of street

North Bound on 101:

  1. Exit @ East Washington St
  2. Left onto East Washington St

Library/Fairground Parking Lot is on left hand side of street

Santa Rosa (Tom Schopflin Fields parking lot, 4351 Old Redwood Hwy, Santa Rosa)

South Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 494 at River Road and Mark West Springs Road
  2. Go east on Mark West Springs Road
  3. Turn right onto Old Redwood Hwy
  4. Take Old Redwood Hwy South

The fields are on the right hand side across from Cardinal Newman High School

North Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 492 on to Old Redwood Hwy
  2. Take Old Redwood Hwy North for 1.4 miles

The fields are on the left hand side across from Cardinal Newman High School

Ukiah – Oak Manor Park – 525-547 Oak Manor Dr
(search Oak Manor Park in your Map App)

South Bound on 101:

  1. Take Exit 548B to E Gobbi St
  2. Right onto E Gobbi St and over the Freeway
  3. Left on Oak Manor Dr

Oak Manor Park is on left hand side of street

North Bound on 101:

  1. Take Exit 548B to E Gobbi St
  2. Left onto E Gobbi St
  3. Left on Oak Manor Dr

Oak Manor Park is on left hand side of street

North Schedule

 City  Location   Pick Up   Drop Off
Arcata Ray’s Food Place 12:30 p.m.  12:00 noon
 Eureka Elk River Park & Ride 1:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m.
 Fortuna Fortuna Park & Ride 1:30 p.m. 11:00 a.m.


Arcata- Ray’s Food Place – 5000 Valley West Blvd

South Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 716B to Guintoli Ln
  2. At the round-about, go left onto Guintoli Ln
  3. Turn right onto Valley West Blvd

Ray’s Food Place will be on your left.

North Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 716B to Guintoli Ln
  2. At the round-about, go right onto Guintoli Ln
  3. Turn right onto Valley West Blvd

Ray’s Food Place will be on your left.

Eureka -Elk River Park & Ride 

South Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 702 onto Herrick Ave toward Elk River Rd
  2. Turn right onto Pound Rd/Herrick Ave

You will see the Park & Ride on your right.

North Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 702 onto Herrick Ave toward Elk River Rd
  2. Turn left onto Herrick Ave

You will see the Park & Ride across the freeway on your right.

Fortuna- Fortuna Park and Ride 

South Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 687 to Kenmar Rd
  2. Turn left onto Kenmar Rd
  3. Turn right onto Eel River Dr

You will see the Park & Ride on your right.

North Bound on 101:

  1. Take exit 687 to Kenmar Rd
  2. Turn right onto Kenmar Rd
  3. Turn right onto Eel River Dr

You will see the Park & Ride on your right.

Illness at Camp

Parents will be contacted if a child develops a high fever or any other sickness that may require outside medical attention, or if a child sustains an injury that requires hospital care.  Parents are generally not notified in the case of mild coughs or colds, minor twists or strains, scratches, bug bites, unless the illness or injury will require further care upon the camper’s return home.  Parents will be notified immediately if their camper’s ailment is interfering with their child’s camp experience. Medical care at Camp is overseen by certified staff and we have a consulting MD on call.

If you need to reach someone at Camp, July – Aug.
Please call (707) 984-6877 (Rings at the Eel River)